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Mastering plant care with essential tips on watering, fertilising, pruning and pest control solutions

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How do I become a horticulturist in Australia

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Working with plants can be an extremely rewarding and restorative career. Spending time outside in the fresh air and helping things to grow is an excellent way to keep yourself grounded in the overwhelming ‘hustle’ culture of the modern day.

And why not earn money from doing something you love? Sounds like a win-win to us!

Of course, there are a few essentials to get to grips with should you want to pursue the delicate art of mastering plant care. Lucky for you, My Learning Online has got you covered!

Here are a few of our essential tips for mastering plant care and getting your green fingers to grips with the basics of horticulture:


Many of us know the importance of keeping plants watered – and some of us have a graveyard of dead houseplants that we forgot to feed, but we won’t name names!

Water is one of the most fundamental elements of keeping plants alive and thriving. They should be watered at the root, keeping soil nice and moist rather than getting the leaves wet as this can cause diseases or rotting.

However, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and waterlogging your plants can suffocate them, doing more harm than good. You want a nice even watering either in the morning or evening to keep your plants in their best condition. 

Of course weather, temperature and plant type can have different demands so always do your research when tending to different species.


Using fertiliser on your plant beds in the form of a natural product like animal dung or in micronutrient compounds available at gardening stores (usually in the form of liquids or soluble granules and powders) is an excellent way to get your plants to truly bloom.

It is advisable not to apply fertiliser on high wind days, as you may end up with more of it across the lawn than on the plants!


Plants can have a tendency to grow out of control, and while this can often be beautiful, at times it can do damage to the plant itself and those around it.

Once plants have flowered they will be in prime condition ready for pruning. It is important to get an overall picture of the look you want to achieve to ensure optimum plant health; use the correct tools, cut at the correct distances and angles and always do your research depending on the plant species.

More extreme pruning will be required in professions such as landscaping and high art garden curation.

Pest control

Pests can be the downfall of a beautiful garden or landscape, and once they have taken hold they can be tricky to get rid of. 

However, knowing the early signs of pest infestation, proper prevention techniques, as well as how to deal with infestations should they occur are all essential skills for any budding gardener or landscaper.

There are an array of oils and solutions on the market that will help deter pests from your plants, however many of these can be toxic so always do your research about the pros and cons of a potential solution.

Mastering plant care infographic

Considering a job in horticulture?

Described by Oxford Languages as ‘the art or practice of garden cultivation and management’, horticulture courses online in Australia can cover a whole range of jobs – your only limit is your imagination.

Nature is known for its vibrance and beauty; a place to escape to when life gets overwhelming. Natural spaces allow us to breathe and focus, grounding us and getting us back in touch with ourselves and the world we inhabit. We are animals, and we are just as a part of nature as the hares in the fields and the fishes in the ocean. We are a part of this big beautiful world – it feeds us and helps us thrive, provides warmth and shelter and resources to build and innovate.

Spending time in nature has proved to be extremely beneficial for mental health, with walking and outdoor therapies becoming more popular in recent years as research progresses. Gardeners and landscapers help create beautifully picturesque and tranquil spaces in which we can recharge our batteries and soak up nature’s beauty.

Some popular jobs in the horticulture industry include:

  • Gardener – many of us love getting out into the garden, tending to our beloved flowers and perhaps even nurturing a little vegetable patch. And what if you could do this as a full time gig? Gardeners are often in high demand, with many being unable to keep up with regular garden maintenance in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and so efficient and talented gardeners will always be wanted.
  • Horticulturist – becoming a horticulturist is the perfect job for someone with green fingers! Avid gardeners and planet lovers will take to this career like a duck to water, and you’ll be introduced to topics such as soil types, plant science, plant identification, as well as the management of weeds, pests and disease that may threaten your garden.
  • Landscaper – a job perfect for a budding artist with big vision. Landscaping involves the aesthetic maintenance of gardens and natural spaces, keeping things neat and blooming brightly. If you have a wild imagination, this could just be the job for you – a career that allows you to innovate and push the boundaries of natural beauty. This job requires a high level of skill and technique, so you best get started!
  • Nature Park Manager – where preservation reigns supreme. Nature parks strive to preserve nature in its purest form, keeping it safe from outside influence and keeping it the wild oasis that it should be. Whilst training as a nature park manager you will learn how to maintain and preserve natural spaces such as national parks, reserves and zoos, equipping you with the skills and ability to work alongside nature, building paths and rockeries, pools, nature trails and maintaining an overall balanced ecosystem.
Jobs in plant care infographic

How a course in horticulture could make your dreams come true

Studying horticulture courses online is an excellent way to ensure that you are professionally trained in all aspects of land care and maintenance. A course will equip you with all the necessary and vital tools you’ll need to create beautiful outdoor spaces for your clients. 

Whether you already have some previous experience working with land and plants, or are just starting out, investing your time in horticulture courses in Australia will give you the best start to your career.

And don’t worry, we know you are raring to get going with your work – but training doesn’t have to take forever! If you want to study horticulture online in Australia there is an abundance of short courses available that you can fit around your schedule, learning everything you need to know in a concentrated and flexible package.

Training with My Learning Online

Boasting some of the best comprehensive horticulture courses in Australia, any one of our online courses will give you a flying start to your plant-based career. 

Our courses follow an entirely online learning and tutor system, giving you the freedom and flexibility to learn in the familiar environment of home whilst also having access to professionally-created content. 

Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the demand for accessible learning worldwide. Being able to work your studies around your work and life schedule makes learning feel like less of a chore and more of a choice, empowering you to gain new skills at a time and pace that suits you.  

Our courses include:

All of our courses come with a downloadable brochure, providing more information on course content and muddles, assessments, online learning and tutor support.

If you have any questions about studying online with us, our course consultants are on hand to guide and advise you, getting you to where you need to be.

Start learning today with a My Learning Online Landscaping and Horticulture course.


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